Hi, I’m Stewart Heath, CEO of Harvard Grace.
I wanted to drop a quick note today regarding the employment situation. We have some pretty good news about a week ago on the national employment data where the national rate dropped to 4.8 which is great for September, especially from where we came from last year.
Harvard Grace focuses on the Tennessee valley, the mid south Northern Alabama, Southern middle Tennessee and unemployment varies just like real estate from place to place. The name of the game is location, location, location and Tennessee’s employment rate is below the national average at 4.6, middle Tennessee is even lower. Alabama’s unemployment rate is incredibly good at down to 3.1, which is where we focus on investing just very strong economies here, which makes for really strong real estate opportunities.
That is worth a share! Be sure to ping me back with what your thoughts are on the employment rate and where you are located. I would love to connect with you and learn more about your area.
Thanks and until next time!